C3S311a Lot 2 (in-situ obs for Copernicus)
Providing a step change in access to, and quality of, global long-term land and surface-ocean Essential Climate Variable (ECV) records
Project developing a new generation of high-resolution climate models
UKSA Copernicus Data Support
Acquiring and archiving Copernicus Sentinel data from all satellites
UKCP18 Services
Providing data services to support access to the next generation of climate projections for the UK
UKCP09 User Interface
Providing access to the UK Climate Projections (2009) via a web-interface and web processing service
MOHC Data Pipeline
Supporting CMIP climate model data movement from the Met Office to the CEDA archive and ESGF
Providing support and upgraded services to the IPCC Designated Data Centre
ESA DAP support for UKSA
Representing UKSA in LTDP Working Group and PV2018 Conference Organisation
Pest Risk Modelling in Africa (PRISE)
Improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers by reducing crop losses caused by pests across six sub-Saharan African countries
Social media & development